About Me

I am a stable isotope ecologist interested in the life histories of sharks. I am pursuing my PhD in the Kim lab at University of California, Merced where I use chronological tissues such as teeth, eye lenses, and vertebrae to understand shark movement and foraging across space and time. I was named a 2022 California Sea Grant Fellow for my continued work on Leopard Shark (Triakis semifasciata) ecology in the San Francisco Estuary.

In 2017, I received a BSc in environmental and organismal biology from the University of Utah. I was subsequently hired as an soil science intern with the USFS's Institute of Pacific Island Forestry (IPIF) working in Mangrove ecosystems, and later transitioned to a full time hybrid ecosystem position at the University of Hawai'i, Hilo. In 2018 I accepted a technician position with UC Davis's Otolith Geochemistry and Fish Ecology Laboratory (OGFL) where I conducted otolith strontium stable isotope and trace elemental analsysis before starting my PhD in the Environmental Systems graduate group of UC Merced in 2020.

Please get in touch!

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